Yesterday we went on an amazing trip to the Houses of Parliament. We really enjoyed looking inside the House of Commons and asked lots of questions! Afterwards, we had a session on campaigns and how laws are created. We had such a brilliant day! Thank you to the parent helpers – we really enjoyed having you with us!
Year 3/4F and 4D have been busy this term working on their Endangered Animals project. From writing non-chronological reports to designing and creating informative posters, they have learnt a lot about different endangered animals and the threats they face. As a result, they decided they wanted to do something to really make a difference!
They are now focusing on being able to use persuasive language by writing persuasive letters in Literacy lessons and creating their documentaries about endangered animals. To ignite this stage of their project they held a campaign day on Tuesday. They wanted to make their voices heard and raise money to help protect endangered animals.
They spent the morning baking cakes and designing posters in preparation for their bake sale after school.

In the afternoon, they took their posters on a campaign march around Brooklands and Broughton! It was great to go out in the community to share their passion about saving endangered animals. Their chanting and posters definitely got lots of attention!

Even after such a busy day, they weren’t finished yet. They held a bake sale after school and raised a huge £113! This money will be used for each class to adopt an endangered animal with the WWF!
It was such a successful day and we are so proud of the children’s work and passion to get their voices heard for such a good cause! We look forward to sharing the rest of our work with you at the end of the term!
Yesterday, Year 2 went on an incredible trip to the Natural History Museum! We got to explore the dinosaur area and our favourite part was the moving, roaring T-Rex! Did you know that dinosaurs can have up to 25 eggs in a nest? Have you ever wondered why some dinosaurs have sharper teeth than others? I’m sure we could tell you the answer if you ask us!
We also got to explore the minibeast, bird, mammal and earthquake sections which were also very interesting. We even got to go on an earthquake simulator where we felt what it would be like to be in a shop during an actual earthquake!
Thank you for all the parent helpers. We hope that you had a great day too and have had some time to rest since!!
Year 2 team

Today, Year 5 have had a visit from Oli, an explorer who has ventured through the Arctic. Oli told us exactly what it was like to live in Arctic conditions and told us fascinating stories about how he and his team survived their great expedition! After finding out about him, the children were lucky enough to learn how animals keep themselves warm in Arctic conditions, create global awareness campaigns and produce art work for our environments.
The engagement from the children has been fantastic today!
Well done Year 5!
Wow! We have had an amazing day watching our chosen film of ‘The Hobbit’ or ‘The Jungle Book’ and cannot wait to continue creating our movie story books. Have a look at some of the sketches of our characters so far…

Today we had a visit from Mrs Fry who taught us all about chocolate. We learnt all about the history of chocolate and where chocolate comes from. Also we got to taste different chocolates – one was lemon flavour!! Everyone got to make their own chocolate lolly which was whatever shape we wanted. There were lollies of every shape – hearts, stars, trees and even crocodiles!
Can you guess what shape these chocolate lollies are?

3C started their ignite with a DT session this morning. They have started building a volcano! They explored textures and materials to create the parts of the volcano.
I am looking forward to seeing how this develops over the term.
What a brilliant return to school this week with lots of children showing how much they have learnt this week about properties of materials and the shapes and structure that is required for a lighthouse to survive the elements. We have also tried hard to recycle to make our lighthouses.

To ignite the Year 2 lighthouse project we had a very exciting beach day! We came into school in beach clothes and made seagulls, played in the sandpit and created videos. We even had an ice cream!
Here are some photos of our day. ..

Thank you to all of 3C who on Friday took part in our Greek Ignite Day. A fabulous time was had by all.
We learnt about the story of the battles in Ancient Greece as well as how to make bracelets, pots and mosaics. The children enjoyed making all their items and I hope you have now heard all about them.
The year 3 team are ready to start learning all about the Greeks 🙂
Thank you to all the parent support we received as well. We could not have done it without you. A big thank you for costumes too.
Miss Ahlrichs