Year 6 have been in learning zone 5 all afternoon! We have been researching Bletchley Park and planning our project product. Phew! We’re exhausted!
Year 6 ‘ignited’ our new project ‘Cracking the Code’ on Monday!
We had an insightful day learning how coding works on ‘Scratch’ a computer system, understanding the importance of Bletchley Park and how it relates to Code Breaking in World War Two and learning how to write coded messages to our friends in Morse Code, a Zodiac Cipher and a Caesar Cipher!
Here are some pictures of the day! (CIA code breaking game) (Alan Turing Science Museum)
Year 6 have wowed us with their video editing skills this week.
We have been learning about the inspirational author, Philip Pullman. To start with the children wrote biographies about his life and achievements. They then created a movie in the style of ‘This is your life’, using their biographies as a voice over. The children shared their learning with each other and gave some constructive feedback.
Everyone enjoyed sharing their video’s with Year 3 this afternoon.
Great learning Year 6!
This week, the children have been researching inspirational leaders for homework.
We have complied a list of our favourite leaders ready to present to Miss Low and Mrs Higginbottom.
Emily and Alfie were very persuasive and produced a very high standard of homework.
Well done Year 6! Keep it up!
What a fantastic start 6C!
This week we have spent sometime looking at the schools ethos and how we can be ‘strong and powerful’ learners. We have had a go at creating a wordle on the computer holding all of the important words that we have brainstormed.
Today,the children have started to make their ‘This is your life’ video on iMovie. The final versions will be shared with another class within the school next Friday and then posted on the website. So stay tuned!
I would like to congratulate all of the Year 6 children for coming back to school after the summer with a fantastic attitude. You have all settled extremely well!
This week the children in 6c have been busy designing their learning environment. Their ideas have been amazing! We have changed the whole classroom around and redesigned the working walls using their ideas.
Today, Raian had his first experience at leading learning in the comfy guided area. This was fantastic to watch!
I am very proud of the way the children have settled into year 6 and have starting to become strong and powerful learners. Keep it up 6C!
5 & 6 girls football – 4th
Year 6 enjoyed singing the World Cup song! Ole! Click on the link to watch our video.
6c had their very first lesson together yesterday.
The children introduced themselves and talked about their learning styles.
Everyone then completed their protective hands. These will be made into a classroom display next week.
It was lovely to get to meet all of the children’s parents during the transition picnic, whilst eating lots of yummy treats!
I am very much looking forward to the year ahead 🙂