9 and 1 are number bonds
8 and 2 are friends
7 and 3
6 and 4
5 and 5 are twins.
Keep up the fantastic learning!
Wow I have been blown away by the determination and hard work this week. Every single member of the class has tried their very best to access those high learning zones. Even when we have found things difficult, we have made sure that we were determined not to give up.
We achieved the school ‘Attendance’ trophy last week, as the whole class was at school 100% of the time!
This means you are all super stars, as you have all been at school learning and progressing together!
You are 1 Fantastic! 1 Fabulous!
Keep up all your hard work and being ‘Determined’ to have 100% Attendance again!
Thank you for attending our Curriculum Tea last week! It was so nice to see you and enjoy talking about the new and exciting journey ahead in Year One. Thank you for the lovely cakes and treats; they were delicious!
This week we are beginning to look at the Invent stage of our story writing. This is where the children get to think about creating their own characters within our story structure. We will also be starting to look at number bonds in Maths – listen out for the number bond song at home this week.
Homework was sent out on Friday. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about this.
We look forward to working in partnership with you.
The Year One Team
We are teaching at Phase 5 phonics from next week.
The best website to learn at home, phase 2,3,4, and 5 is:
Phonics Play as it is so interactive and fun!
and the Jolly Phonic songs help the children to remember the phase 2,3,4 sounds
If you need any more help about phonics come and see the Year 1 team đ
It was so lovely to see such an amazing turn out at the Curriculum Teas last week!
It is such a lovely time to connect together, and develop a close partnership which makes the best impact on your child’s well-being, and involvement in school.
We are very proud of weaving your child’s learning journey together with you!
We gave out the latest homework on Friday.
Please come and see the Year 1 team if you need any advice or support.
Have a lovely weekend!
Thank you for all the wonderful home learning!
The children have spent time sharing it with their class.
You can tell they were very interested with what they did đ
We are looking forward to see you all at the ‘Curriculum Teas’ on Wednesday.
Any questions come and see a member of the Year 1 team.
The children had another great week last week!
In literacy we were ‘talking the text’ and writing the story with the use of the,
‘Always Success Criteria’ e.g. Remembering finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
(See below)
This week we are on to the ‘Innovate’ stage of the literacy sequence, whereby we will be changing the characters and setting in the story, and will come up with our own class story and writing it.
Keep up your brilliant writing and high involvement levels year 1!
Also, each year 1 class has a Music session every Monday, so we hope they’ve got their singing voices ready in the morning!
Any questions, come and see the Year 1 Team đ