We were so proud to award this amazing boy his Strong and Powerful pin! It was lovely to celebrate his achievements with his friends and family around him. A special congratulations, too, for being our only member to proudly wear pins from Foundation (pink) all the way to Year 6 (red)! This is the first time this has happened for me as a teacher of Brooklands Farm. A very special moment!
This week we have been concentrating on the inference skill in reading. For home learning please complete the questions, using the extract of The Jungle Book.
You should also complete the assigned tasks on mathletics, ensure that you are reading for at least 15 minutes every day and continue your close the gap spellings. Remember, that all tasks completed in school for self-study and at home should be recorded in your close the gap planner.
We have been introduced to a fun new website for spelling this week: spellingframe.co.uk
This website provides tests and practise games for all of the spellings rules for KS2 (from year 3 to year 6). Please do continue to use this at home but please make sure that you are practising the appropriate spelling rules. You could continue with our homophones spellings or do your own close the gap practise, using the gaps you have recorded for yourself in your planner. Try not to pick a rule at random and avoid spelling rules you are already a master of.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Snowdon
Year 6 Strong and Powerful Homework
Set: Friday 5th January
Due: Wednesday 10th January
Task 1: After enjoying the films ‘The Hobbit’ or ‘The Jungle Book’ this week, we now need to begin our research on the films and their characters.
Can you research and find the key information that you will need to write your film reviews? Use the questions below to guide your research:
- Who are the main characters in the film?
- Who are the actors for each of these characters?
- Research the producer of the film
- What was their last movie?
- What other films have they produced?
- What was the release date of the film?
- How long is the film?
- What is the main story line (plot) of the film?
- Is this film based on a book? If yes, who is the author of this book?
- Was there an earlier version of the film?
- When was it produced?
- Who by?
Task 2: Please ensure that all tasks on Mathletics are complete.
Have a terrific weekend, see you all on Monday!
Miss Bold, Miss Sheridan, Mr Crawford, Mr Grimditch, Miss King and Miss Snowdon.
Thank you to everyone that came and supported our 24 runners on Saturday morning. It was such a fantastic sporting morning despite the rain and mud!! The children were amazing and represented Brooklands with true style and confidence. As individuals and as teams they did amazingly, with one of our Year 6 girls finishing 2nd out of around 150!!