Welcome back to all our nursery children!
The children have come back intro nursery fully refreshed and in high spirits. In nursery this week we have been exploring our new project book- Walking through the jungle.
The Children have been making binoculars to use in our safari Jeep to hunt out all the different animals.
We are very much looking forward to next week as we have a few reptile visitors for the children to learn about and hold!

We have had a few requests for the words to some songs we sing. Here are some links for you to have a look at:
We would all like to say a huge well done to all the children that have joined nursery
over the last week. It has been a pleasure getting to know all the children and their
family members. The children have settled extremely well and are making good
friendships with all of us.
We are all very excited about meeting the rest of our children who will be joining this
Nursey team.
Thank you to all the parents and children for your very warm welcomes this week while foundation staff visited. Thank you especially for your patience when we got lost or ran late.
We look forward to seeing you all start over the next two weeks. Not long now!