As we move into the next term we will be focusing on moving the children’s writing onto sentences. These are a few videos that explain some of the techniques that we use in school that you can replicate at home.

We have just finished phase 2 phonics and are beginning to learn phase 3 phonemes.
Have a look at this video that helps you understand how to pronounce each phoneme.
Here are the Jolly phonics songs that may also help your children.

Dear Parents,
Thank you for coming to the curriculum tea this evening. We look forward to seeing the rest of you on Thursday. Here is a copy of the end of year expectations that we talked about.
On Friday we were very excited about beginning to create our new environment. We are going to be looking at our new core text ‘Emergency’ on Monday. We have had great fun learning about people who help us in our family and now we are going to learn about other people who help us in our community. We will begin by looking at the fire brigade and the police. Here is a little look at what we created!
Our Brooklands Farm Fire Station!
The Brooklands Farm Police Station.