Many parents have given the Year One team excellent feedback regarding our Curriculum Teas. In particular I have heard some parents using our Brooklands Farm language, referencing learning zones and well being. Here is one boy from 1b with his behaviour chart that he uses at home!
Today we have been learning our number bonds to 10. To help us we listened to the “Number bonds are pairs of friends” song. Check it out at home and use these lyrics to help you:
Number bonds are pairs of friends and together they make 10
They stick together until the end
They make 10 they make 10
9 + 1 number bonds are fun
8+2 maths is good for you
7+3 can you sing with me
6+4 lets sing some more
5+5 makes me feel alive
Number bonds are pairs of friends and together they make 10
They stick together until the end
They make 10 they make 10
We have had a great few weeks and are already using our determined muscles! Here is a little update of what we’ve been up to so far:
We have learnt our “The Smartest Giant in Town” text map, adding lots of actions to help us remember it all. We have also been writing the text out, making sure to use our always success criteria (full stops, capital letters, fingerspaces, robot arms)! We have also been practicing writing on our new handwriting lines – we have had to be very determined with these!
We have been using the language of more and less than in our lessons this week. We have been selecting a number from our hundred square and then working out what one more or one less would be. We have also been practicing reading and writing numbers as words e.g. one, two, three. Some of the numbers are very tricky so we have been playing snap to help us – this is something we could continue to practice at home!
This week we started our new whole school project with Wilmott Dixon, looking at Sustainability. We have been looking at what sustainability is and how we can improve our school environment. We enjoyed going on our nature hunt where we had to look closely at our environment. We have been challenged to design a plant bed and we are currently investigating which materials would be best. We’ve narrowed our options down to clay, plastic, wood or glass. What do you think would work best? Perhaps you could investigate at home and share with us what you have discovered!
We have had lots of fun experimenting with materials around our classroom, along with deciding whether certain items are waterproof or not waterproof. As mentioned in our Curriculum Tea, we will be working with Willmott Dixon, therefore we discussed the materials that would be suitable for building a house. Can your children remember any of these materials and why they would be useful?
Today 1b made another discovery! Someone had left their clothes and belongings all around our school, there were even massive footprints. After lots of discussion of how they may have got there, we realised that they must have come from George, the smartest giant in town (from the popular Julia Donaldson book).
In Writing we have been reading lots of different Julia Donaldson stories. We particularly like the Scarecrows’ Wedding. We used these books as inspiration for our own book characters. Take a look at some of our creations!
Another great day in 1b! Today we explored numbers in maths, focusing on the formation, counting and identifying, along with matching numerals and words.
Thank you to everyone who brought in their home learning in to share, I can tell that they put so much effort into each piece.