We are extremely proud of one of our new children for achieving their Open, Grow, Believe Pin! She has settled in very well and has been modelling the Brookland’s values and ethos consistently.
Well done!
Miss Downey
We are extremely proud of one of our new children for achieving their Open, Grow, Believe Pin! She has settled in very well and has been modelling the Brookland’s values and ethos consistently.
Well done!
Miss Downey
Our Year 5 children recently completed a series of Computing tasks including creating an algorithm and taking apart a lap top computer to review what makes it work! Click the following link for a sneak peak video!
We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the year 5 and 6 performance. We wanted to let you know that all children will be performing on stage for 1 song each however they will be standing and singing along the sides of the stage for the other 5 songs. Please discuss with your child where is best for you to sit to ensure you can see them. We will put labels on each section on the sides of the stage to help you.
The songs we are singing are:
Where is the love (raps)
Imagine (poems)
Feed the world (dance)
Sing (Makaton)
We’re all in this together (Dance)
I love my life – All singing together
Year 5&6 team.
Today we have started to learn some new songs ready for our Tree Week performances. We need to be practising these as much as possible to ensure our performances are amazing!
Here are the links to the songs so that we can practise at home!
Robbie Williams – Love my Life
John Lennon – Imagine
Michel Jackson – Man in the Mirror
2 children from 5c have achieved their Individual pins this week. The children have been working extremely hard for these and It hasn’t gone unoticed!
Well done!
A very special child has achieved his Open, Grow, Believe pin! We are very proud of you! Well done!
5C have achieved 100% attendance for the third time this half term! I am extremely proud of all the children.
We have had a brilliant start to Year 5, the children have worked so hard and I am really starting to see some ‘individual’ learners.
Have a great half term!
Stay safe and enjoy!
Miss Downey
Year 5 have had a brilliant day igniting their Titanic Project. Each class were able to explore items that were actually on the Titanic! The children were also really excited to be able to try on a life jacket from the actual Titanic film! Alongside this, the children were fantastic at debating who was really to blame for the sinking of the Titanic. They used drama, multimedia and posters to present their argument. Well done Year 5 for all your hard work. We are really looking forward to continuing our project next week! Have a great weekend!
Mrs Forbes, Miss Downey, Mr Stott, Mr Peters and Miss Snowdon
Year 5 have had an excellent ignite day!
As home learning, please complete the reading comprehension.
Please remember that this task is due in on Wednesday 19th October. Home learning will be marked first thing in the morning. Tasks that are not in school on time will not be marked.
Have a lovely weekend,
Year 5 Team
Last weeks Maths home learning:
In Maths, we have been growing our understanding of addition and subtraction.
This week we would like you to observe and make note of when you and your families face addition and subtraction problems at home/when you are out and about. This could be regarding: how much money is spent in a transaction in a shop/petrol station/bus station/cafe etc; how much change is given from a set amount e.g. £20; how much time you spend doing an activity and therefore, how much time you have left to do something else; how much of an ingredient you need to use in a recipe etc.
Write down in your homework books a couple of examples of how you and your families face addition and subtraction problems in day to day life e.g.
My mum, brother and I went to the cinema. We bought 1 adult ticket (£9.85) and 2 children’s tickets (£6.75). How much did we spend in total? My mum paid with £30 how much change should she get?
We will be having a discussion about all of the different ways that addition and subtraction are in our lives in Maths lessons. Please do not spend longer than 30mins writing these into your books.
Today the children were so excited to share the discussions that they have been having at home about how Maths fits into our every day lives! Have a look at some of the problems that the children faced over the weekend…