This week 3C had the chance to visit the new health centre for our local area which is in the process of being built. With the help of several parent (and grandparent volunteers) we walked from Fen Street to the site where we were kitted out in safety kit including hard, hats, gloves and hard hats – very stylish! After a safety talk we were shown around the building.

We were led by Nick and his colleague who taught us lots of facts about the construction and planned layout of the the building which has cost nearly £8million to build and is due to be finished by June. The centre will include dentists suites as well as Dr’s examination rooms, a minor surgery room complete with a recovery room and even a cafe (with healthy snacks I’m sure). Ambulances will be available outside with a large car park for patients and visitors.
3C showed lots of interest and asked a whole range of interesting questions from “What are all the different coloured wires for?” to “How many bricks were needed to make the building?”. Willmott Dixon did a great job of answering all the questions and even the adults leant a lot from the information they shared.

At the end of the tour, the children were kindly offered a momento of the visit. Many chose a Keyring, while Mrs Kingsman opted for sharpeners. 😀
Thank you so much Willmott Dixon for the opportunity to visit. It was brilliant! 👏🏾

Year 3 / 4F made the most of the sun this morning by taking their learning outside! We were reviewing our learning so far for fractions. Year 4 focused on equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions while Year 3 worked on adding and subtracting fractions and finding equivalent fractions.
Working in trios, they used chalk and the playground to show their working out and answers. The well being and learning zones of everyone was so high and as a result everyone closed their learning gaps!

5C are over the moon that last week we finally had 100% attendance!
Well done! Lets see if we can keep it up!

Please find below the presentation from the Year 2 KS1 Assessment information evening last half term.
Below is a link to the governments information regarding KS1 assessments.
Yesterday, the children were really excited to visit the new Willmott Dixon health centre and be some of the first people to see inside the developing building. We had to wear our safety equipment including a hard hat, hi-vis jacket and safety gloves.
The children were very thorough in their questioning, wanting to know how much it was costing, how the building was prepared, how the company chose appropriate sites to build on and what all the different rooms are going to be used for. We were even allowed to look down a VERY deep opening where there will eventually be a lift. The children were very lucky because they were given a little free gift.
What an excellent morning out discovering a building site!
Due to the snow taking over 3b’s world book day fun, it has taken a while to track down these wonderful images of 3b in costume all dressed up as their favourite book characters!
Great effort!

Casting our memory back to before half term, the year 3 children were set a task of learning the story of ‘The Trojan Horse’ and either retelling the story in their own words or using it as inspiration for their own story writing.
We had some amazing entries at Fen Street Year 3 and we would like to say thank you and well done to those children who entered!
These are the winners from 3a, 3b and 3c!
Thank you for your creative stories, great presentation and comedy!

In celebration assembly this week, we also celebrated children who have shown open, grow and believe in their learning!
Well done for your hard work!

Wow! What an amazing and inspirational couple of days working in partnership with SKIP 2B FIT.
All children in our school showed amazing resilience and growth mindset towards improving their own personal bests. We all really enjoyed the motivational competitions between staff and children. Mr Rickett and Mathias are currently our skipping champions – we are looking forward to see if anyone can beat their scores in the future.