What a fantastic day ! Have a look at this !!
In 2B, we planned an investigation to explore the 3 primary colours and how they combine to form other colours. We took 5 beakers and filled up the 1st, 3rd and 5th beaker with a solution of the 3 primary colours. Inserted folded up paper towels linking all 5 beakers for the fluid to transfer into the empty beakers. This resulted in the primary colours combining to form new colours in the empty beakers.
The aim was to focus on making observations and discussing what may happen (predictions).
We recorded the findings in the form of pictures, video discussions and in our books in the form of diagrams.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of working scientifically and were fully immersed into the lessons.

All children in Year 1 – Year 6 have access to a learning website called ‘Mathletics’. Many children are already using this website both in and outside of school to consolidate the learning they do in the classroom. The children particularly enjoy ‘Live Mathletics’, where they can compete against their friends and improve their recall of number facts such as times tables.
Today Mathletics is updating its website so that it is more ‘user friendly’. Please encourage your child/children to log on to Mathletics and explore the new layout. If they get more than 1000 points in a week, they will even receive a certificate! In the past month, 200 certificates have been achieved by Brooklands Farm children! Let’s see if there can be even more this month!
If you have any queries about using Mathletics, please ask your child’s class teacher.
Good luck!
We just want to say a huge well done to the Year 3 and 4 children who took part in the inter schools tennis competition on Thursday. They all did amazingly well and had a fantastic time playing against the other schools. We would also like to praise them on their sportsmanship!
Here is a picture from the day!

Year 6 have been working incredibly hard this week to learn and perfect their singing and actions to their songs for Brookfest! They have performed two of these songs in front of the whole school!
For their homework this week we would like all of year 6 to learn the lyrics to our 3 songs:
What do I know – Ed Sheeran
Worlds Greatest – R Kelly
That Power – Will.I.Am and Justin Beiber
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Bold, Miss Sheridan and Mrs Hern
Well done to all the children in F2C last week for 100% full attendance! We finally did it! Let’s hope we do the same next week.
We had lots of fun learning about addition outdoors this week, writing our number sentences in chalk on the ground.

Well done to Class 2B for getting the attendance trophy this week! Get lots of sleep this weekend so that we can get it again next week! Keep up the great work!