In Year 2 we have been trying out yoga to help us relax and stay calm. We had competitions to see who could stand on one foot for the longest!! Here are some photos of our attempts…
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Well done to all the parents and teachers that participated in the Silverstone 10k! Everyone did really well and it was lovely to have other Brooklands friends and family come down to support! Lots of personal bests this year and everyone finished with a smile!
If you are interested in running with us, we would love to get more people involved! Listen out for the details of next year’s race!
“I would like to be an ostrich because they can kick”
“I would like to be a zebra because they can camouflage like a gecko”
“I would like to be a cheetah because it can run fast”
“I would like to be a mouse because they are quiet and they eat cheese”
I would like to be a koala bear because they can climb bamboo trees and they are cute”
“I would like to be a peacock because they have beautiful feathers”
“I would like to be a flamingo because they are cute”
For our animal topic we learned all about animals, especially ones with extra special abilities! For our end of topic question they created a mosaic picture of their chosen animal and wrote all about it! I am so proud of their beautiful work.
Yesterday, Year 2 went on an incredible trip to the Natural History Museum! We got to explore the dinosaur area and our favourite part was the moving, roaring T-Rex! Did you know that dinosaurs can have up to 25 eggs in a nest? Have you ever wondered why some dinosaurs have sharper teeth than others? I’m sure we could tell you the answer if you ask us!
We also got to explore the minibeast, bird, mammal and earthquake sections which were also very interesting. We even got to go on an earthquake simulator where we felt what it would be like to be in a shop during an actual earthquake!
Thank you for all the parent helpers. We hope that you had a great day too and have had some time to rest since!!
Year 2 team
5C have really enjoyed creating poems about Space this week. The learning zones have been extremely high! Well done everybody!
Thank you to those who attended the meetings this week. It was a great chance to discuss your thoughts and questions in preparation for the assessments. Please find attached the information shared on each evening. If you have any further questions please speak to your class teacher.
Thank you to everyone that has been involved with our ‘Chocolate Experience’. We have really enjoyed presenting all our facts to our families and we hope you enjoyed it too. The best part was definitely quizzing the parents on how much they had learnt!!
We hope you enjoyed your chocolate tasting too!!
Join Walton High Performing Arts as they present magical moments from great films both young and old.
Featuring Performing Arts students, The Jazz Band, The Walton High Orchestra and more!