Over the last few days Fen Street and Countess Way have been buzzing with the annual parent and child lantern making workshops. This year has been the busiest yet, hosting two workshops a day on each site.
We have had a lot of creative fun making these colourful lanterns which, for the first time, are going home to bring the Brooklands sparkle to our children’s homes. This is the first step in the journey of the lantern festival being completely at the heart of our community.
Please, Please, Please make sure these beautiful creations are shining bight for all to see in windows, porches, balconies, gardens around Brooklands, on the 15th at 6pm…
Miss Low will be going out into the community searching for those shining lights of Brooklands at that time and will be filming what she finds!
If you would like to take photos of your work in place with in your homes please send to office@brooklandsfarm.milton-keynes.sch.uk
Huge thanks to all involved!
We were invited to present our project outcome in a Brooklands Farm Dragon’s Den! We have spent the last few weeks creating our own lunchbox that can be transported to each site along a wire. Our product needed to be waterproof, light and suitable enough to carry Miss Low’s lunch. We spent lots of time reviewing our product and then pitching our ideas to Miss Low and her fellow dragons. They were really excited about our designs and asked us questions that made us think about our next steps in our learning.

Congratulations to our latest recipients of Individual pins and ribbons! More to come next week
We are pleased to share these beautiful mosaic art works funded by the PTA and created by the our pupils, staff and parents from both sites. Capturing the ethos of Brooklands Farm in glorious colour for all to see, these lasting legacies of the children’s hard work are a tribute to Brooklands Farm and all we stand for.
Not only have Year 2 been learning about lighthouses in school and making big pictures of them in art, they have created their own 3D models at home too! Take a look at these incredible creations. A massive thank you for all the help they received in making these! We have had a mini museum in the classrooms so they could all be shared!

Congratulations to all of the recipients of Open, Grow believe and Individual pins! These have all been awarded in the last two weeks.
Today we have started to learn some new songs ready for our Tree Week performances. We need to be practising these as much as possible to ensure our performances are amazing!
Here are the links to the songs so that we can practise at home!
Robbie Williams – Love my Life
John Lennon – Imagine
Michel Jackson – Man in the Mirror
Strong and Powerful Homework
In year 6 we are Strong and Powerful learners, who take ownership of our own learning. To increase our levels of responsibility we have decided to lead our own close the gap home learning journeys.
We have identified the current gaps in our learning in our ‘Close the Gap’ plans with our teachers. We have established whether each of these gaps is something that: we need to be taught by a teacher, can research independently or can practise independently. We have chosen our homework from the research or practise independently columns.
Miss Sheridan and Miss Bold have put together a bank of resources for us to use when we are closing these gaps at home – they will be adding new things to the bank every week. Please find the URL below.
We will see the impact of our personalised close the gap home learning throughout our lessons in school. With our teachers we will be reviewing whether our gaps have been closed. We also have fortnightly spellings and quick maths in our booklets as well. If we come up with any new gaps we need to ask our teachers to put more resources onto the resource bank.
We are looking forward to having ownership over this learning!