Just a quick reminder that if your child has a birthday and would like to bring any food in to share with the class, please can it be brought in with the original packaging, which clearly states the ingredients. Also, due to allergies in the school, please do not bring anything in that contains nuts.
Thank you
Today Year 1 had a surprise visit as part of their ignite for their ‘All About Me’ project. When the children came back from their lunch, they noticed that all of the teacher chairs had gone missing! We asked PC Ellmer and PC Dabnor to come in and talk to us about how they solve problems at a police station and used that to help us do some detective work! Throughout the afternoon, we found random clues which lead us to eventually solving our mystery of the missing chairs – Can your child remember who had borrowed our chairs and why?
Well done Year 1 for a fantastic day full of high learning zones!
Here are 1b showing off or engaging in their learning.
It was a very proud day at Countess Way on Thursday the 6th of October as four teams came to play in a football tournament organised by Mr Spence. It was history in the making for more than one reason as for the first time the grass field at Countess Way was being used for a sporting event. Secondly it was the first time that Countess Way had ever had a team in a competition. Although the results didn’t go the way of the home side, it was a momentous occasion and even more so in the last match. It was the big ‘derby’ when the clash of Countess Way v Fen Street came together.
We are incredibly proud of the year 3 and 4 children who played with an open mindset to something new, who grew their understanding of what it means to play in a team together and they had to have plenty of belief in themselves and their team-mates to believe they could achieve!
Below is a photo of the history makers and the two Brooklands teams!
Well done!

This week, a selection of children from Year 1 to Year 6 have visited a Willmott Dixon building site to learn about safety and make links with their ‘Worlds Largest Lesson’ whole school project.
Willmott Dixon were the building company who built Countess way so it was nice for the children to meet them again and chat about how their school was built.
Whilst on the trip, the children learnt about the importance of safety and the dangers of being on a building site when you haven’t had permission to be there – this is exceptionally important for us at the moment, with there being so many building sites around our two school sites.
The trip also linked to the children’s learning in school –
Year 1 and 2 looked at plans of the building site and thought about where the best locations would be for plants and veg gardens.
Year 3 and 4 talked about the importance of creating a detailed design before actually going ahead and building. They also talked about the need for the work to be redrafted and checked to ensure it had been carried out to a high standard.
Year 5 and 6 looked at plans of the site and the local area and thought about the safest walking and cycling routes around the area.
We would like to thank Willmott Dixon for the effort they put in to making our trips very successful and we look forward to re visiting the site in a few months to see how it has changed over time.
Willmott Dixon said they were very impressed with the fantastic questions that the children asked whilst they were visiting the site. They even offered one of our Year 4’s a job in the future!!!
Hi Everyone!
Big apologies to all the children in 3b who did not receive their homework today!
I have put it here on the website and will also give out a paper copy on Monday, therefore will expect that some children may not be able to complete it by next Thursday!
Apologies again and I hope you all have a great weekend!
Miss Russell
Year 4 have been considering what makes a Quality Learning Environment. We were all really excited about being a part of the worlds biggest lesson looking at the Global Goals, of which Quality Learning Environment is one of them! Some children from each class visited a school which is in the process of being built. They shared their learning with us after their trip! Design ideas for how we could make our balconies into quality learning environments were discussed, votes were collected, and winning designs were made using lots of recycled materials in all shapes and sizes. We are looking forward to seeing these ideas being grown and developed next week

Excitement is brewing ahead of our Roman project. We are really looking forward to seeing your costumes for our ignite day.
Next week we will be looking at Sound in Science. What different sounds can you hear over the weekend?
Miss Cooper, Miss Bliss, Miss Gilders, Mr Kerin and Miss Courtney
Wow! The cakes, biscuits, sandwiches, drinks and many more delicious food items brought to Curriculum Teas this week were spectacular! We were blown away by the effort that everyone put in to baking or bringing some food to share.
We would like to thank everyone for all their hard work, efforts and creativity!
The winners for each year group for the Bake Off are:
Year 1 –
Aaron, Dylan, Dylan, Layla, Aimee, Freya
Year 2 –
Jack, Cade, Maddie, Henry, Ethan
Year 3 –
Ethan, Noah, Theo, Aya
Year 4 –
Caraleena, Hope, Macy, Ruben
Year 5 –
Yasmin, Alyssa, Heidi, Freya
Year 6 –
Kitty, Oli
Here are some photos of some of the winning creations!