Please click link below to view this weeks home learning.
Don’t forget to bring your home learning in on Wednesday 25th May we will be sharing it during check in circle.
Year 1 Team
Well done Year 6 – we had a great start to SATs week today! We were very proud of everyone’s maturity, determination and motivation this morning.
Remember, breakfast club is open to all Year 6 children from tomorrow until Thursday this week (from 8am) – it would be lovely to see lots of you there so we can all have a good chat and chill out with our friends before the tests.
Don’t forget – this Friday is our PJ party! Bring pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns, slippers etc in a bag to school. There will be some cakes and biscuits provided but feel free to bring some of your own treats in to add to the party food!
Today Miss Drapers class had super creative fun in the sun at Campbell Park with artists James Aldridge and Alice from MKG.
They worked further towards their Arts Award Discovery certificate by collecting words and sounds from the mornings walk for mini spoken word performances and then this afternoon they have created some beautiful clay works using natural objects from the area.
In February half term, Jozef in Year 6 attended a junior film makers course and worked with other children across Milton Keynes to make a road safety film. Last Saturday the films were premiered at Willen Lake and there was also an awards ceremony for the children who took part in the project.
Everyone at Brooklands is really proud of Jozef, who not only worked really hard and developed his skills in film making and technology to make the film but also was invited on stage at the premiere to talk about the experience!
Here are some pictures from the premiere –