On Friday, year 2 had an exciting visit from some owls to help us learn about the different super powers that owls have and learn why nocturnal animals such as owls come out during the night. We were also very lucky that we got to hold some owls. Here are some photos of the owls we got to meet!
The coach was filled with excitement yesterday as we pulled into the Frontier centre. We quickly dropped off our bags and had an early lunch before setting off to Stanwick lakes, where the children had a great time playing on the climbing frames. Luckily the weather was kind to us and we only had a really light sprinkle while we were there.
Once we were back at the Frontier Centre, we split the children into two groups. Group one got the opportunity to walk the plank and go kayaking. All of the children enjoyed these activities and Miss Sheridan and myself managed to have a good giggle!
Group two went straight onto the King Swing and then went fencing. The children were absolutely buzzing when they returned from the King Swing and said it was incredible.
The children all finished their dinner and then made their way down to the campfire (which we struggled to get going!). Mr Crawford was determined to get the fire started so a few children put on a show for us whilst we waited for the flames to heighten.
We had a great day yesterday and are all looking forward to today’s adventure!
(Due to limited internet availability, we seem to be struggling to upload photos. We will try our best to add one or two over the next couple of days)
At last 2D have managed to win the attendance trophy after trying hard for the whole year to get our hands on the elusive attendance trophy! Well done for coming in every day. Lets keep it up and see if we can get 100% for the whole term!
Please find below a copy of the Half Term Homework.
Please speak to your child’s class teacher regarding the date of their presentation. These have already been allocated but cannot be published online.
Please speak to us if you have any queries.
Have a lovely half term break!
The Year 1 Team
I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the parents who were able to come in to see their children’s work. We are all really proud of what we were able to achieve in our Roman project. We hope you liked it.
A big congratulations to everyone who has achieved their open, grown and believe pin or achieve pin! Here are some photos of our class celebrating our achievements.
Over the past two weeks, lot’s of children have been awarded their determined pins. We have had lot’s of discussions about what a Year 1 child looks like and what we should or shouldn’t be doing. These children who have been awarded their determined pins are our role models. Miss White can’t wait to see who is going to be the next child to get their determined pin!