At the end of last term Year 4 all produced some fabulous poems, art work and performed to their peers. We were all so proud of everything they have achieved in Autumn term and particularly in the last two weeks of the term during Tree Week.

Here is a taster for you to see some of the children’s learning that took place!

Year 4 explored the book “Into the Forest” by Anthony Browne. The story is about a young boy who’s father has not come home and is not there in the morning for breakfast, his mother sends him off with a basket of goodies for his Grandma who is poorly, and he walks through the deep forest to get there. It is based around several fairytales, the main one being Little Red Riding Hood, and on his journey he comes across characters we would know from famous fairytales.

In Class 4b the children were challenged with the task of creating their own part of the story and the question given to them was ‘What fairytale would you like to come across if you were the little boy?’ They wrote out the extract and then in groups acted them out together. They were all very creative and engaged in this activity.


Year 4 have also been learning to play the African djembe drum in their music lessons. Over the term they learnt different sounds they could make and learnt about rhythms and pitch. The children put together a performance which they shared with Year 3. Here are some videos of what they performed.




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