Target Cards at Brooklands Farm

Target cards are part of our Social and Emotional curriculum. Our target cards are developmental and build progressively each year. Every year group in the school has a colour and word. These have been carefully selected based on the social and emotional states which they experience as they progress up the school. There are 3 target cards per year group. During the Autumn term, children can achieve their year group pin. In the Spring and Summer, the children can complete the two additional target cards and be awarded a ribbon to hang on their pin. Each target card has statements which the children must demonstrate in order to receive a tick. Once the card is complete, pins/ribbons are awarded in an assembly which the parents must attend. We encourage parents to work in partnership with us at this stage so that we can celebrate success both at home and at school.
As a growing school, lots of children join us mid year. All new children work towards their gold card before moving on to their year group target card. The gold card focuses on our ethos ‘open, grow and believe’. All children are set a target to achieve their gold pin within their first six weeks at Brooklands Farm.