Individual Homework (13th January 2017)


This week all groups have been focused on fractions, and the progress has been excellent across the board.

Choose one of the following activities to complete based on your level of confidence:



1. 1/2 = ?/4

2. 1/3 = ?/6

3. 1/4 = ?/8

4. 1/6 = ?/12

5. 1/2 = ?/8


1. 1/4 = ?/16

2. 2/3 = ?/12

3. 6/12 = ?/24

4. 8/10 = ?/100

5. 6/8 = ?/64


Spot the odd one out:
1. 12/24, 4/5. 5/10, 10/20.

2. 7/10, 14/20, 70/100, 77/80

3. 54/60, 9/10, 81/90, 4/5.

4. 4/5, 8/10, 80/100, 40/45.

5. 3/6, 56/100, 5/10, 32/64




This week, we have developed the toolkit needed for a successful setting description.

Toolkit –

  • Description using the 5 senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, sound)
  • Build up a picture in the reader’s head by using layers of description.
  • Personification
  • Metaphors
  • Similes
  • Create a comparison in your writing by moving the time on in your description (e.g. by day… night…)

Your homework is to check that you have fully grasped what each of these areas of the toolkit are.


  1. Can you explain what you know about each of the parts of the toolkit?
  2. Can you come up with 3 examples of each part of the toolkit? These could be sentences that you could use for your innovate (warm setting) and invent (frozen setting).


From Mr Stott, Miss Downey, Mr Peters and Mrs Forbes

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