3 children achieved their individual pins before the christmas holidays. Throughout the last 2 weeks, we have had 3 lovely pin assemblies to celebrate the childrens’ hard work.
Well done!
Miss Downey

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3 children achieved their individual pins before the christmas holidays. Throughout the last 2 weeks, we have had 3 lovely pin assemblies to celebrate the childrens’ hard work.
Well done!
Miss Downey
Here is the Year 2 literacy homework this week.
There are also activities we would like you to complete on Mathletics to embed your place value learning. The more activities you do on Mathletics, means the more points you can earn. These points can add up to a certificate each week! Log on to find out more!
Year 2 team
Today we had a visit from Mrs Fry who taught us all about chocolate. We learnt all about the history of chocolate and where chocolate comes from. Also we got to taste different chocolates – one was lemon flavour!! Everyone got to make their own chocolate lolly which was whatever shape we wanted. There were lollies of every shape – hearts, stars, trees and even crocodiles!
Can you guess what shape these chocolate lollies are?
We are extremely proud of one of our new children for achieving their Open, Grow, Believe Pin! She has settled in very well and has been modelling the Brookland’s values and ethos consistently.
Well done!
Miss Downey
Over the past 2 weeks, Year 4 have been working on their Journey Project across all areas of the curriculum. In maths, we have been working on 2D shape and looking at some artwork by Karla Gerard, discussing how she uses shape to create her masterpieces. We had a go at creating our own artwork in her style with a Brooklands Farm twist.
In Literacy, we had a go at creating some poems in the style of Tony Mitton’s ‘I wanna be a star’. We thought about what we wanted to achieve in Year 4 and how much we have already achieved in our Journey at Brooklands Farm.
This Journey Project culminated in our Year 3 and 4 performance, which we very much hope you enjoyed.
You can find a copy of the Year 4 Home Learning and Spellings below. It relates to our next Project – Extreme Environments!!
Congratulations to all of the children in year five who won their pin or ribbon this term! Here are the most recent recipients. You have all worked very hard this year, well done. Have a restful holiday – see you in 2017!
We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow at the year 5 and 6 performance. We wanted to let you know that all children will be performing on stage for 1 song each however they will be standing and singing along the sides of the stage for the other 5 songs. Please discuss with your child where is best for you to sit to ensure you can see them. We will put labels on each section on the sides of the stage to help you.
The songs we are singing are:
Where is the love (raps)
Imagine (poems)
Feed the world (dance)
Sing (Makaton)
We’re all in this together (Dance)
I love my life – All singing together
Year 5&6 team.