Hello Year 1!
We have really enjoyed sharing your Great Fire Of London Home learning this week.
Please find this weeks home learning attached.
Just click the link to download
Have fun!
Year 1 Team
Our Take One Picture Art final piece is nearly finished! The collage shows the story of Brooklands Farm primary school. It contains pieces of artwork, poetry, photos and QR codes linking to powerpoint presentations, made by the children from year1 – 6 on Fen Street and Countess Way, all portraying what Brooklands Farm was like in the past, what it is like in the present or what it could be like in the future.
This project has been a great way of linking the whole community: parents and teachers work also appears on the collage alongside the children’s pieces! We would like to thank all the parents who came to our workshops in September and to the Year 5 and 6 children who helped to collage all the artwork onto the final piece.
Here are a few photos of our final steps in the Take One Picture journey:
We have a had a fabulous half term…the very first at Countess Way Campus! I am truly grateful to all children, parents and staff who have been instrumental in weaving the learning journey at our new site.
Joining a new school and community can be a scary one but together we have welcomed all who have joined us and together we can welcome who are yet to come.
The children have amazed me with their learning and have inspired every day me with their questions and enthusiasm.
Have a fabulous half term and stay safe!
Keep practising this song – Countess Way could be a choir!
Mrs Higginbottom
Today, the Year 6 children have conducted an inspection of each Small School to find out who has the tidiest classroom. After very careful consideration and a fair process of scoring, the Year 6 pupils have decided on the following classes as the winners:
Key Stage 1 winners are….
Class 2b and Class 1a (a draw)
Lower Key Stage 2 winners are….
Class 3b and Class 4b (a draw)
Upper Key Stage 2 winners are….
Class 5b
Congratulations to all of you – the school now looks very tidy! Let’s work together to keep it that way!
We are really pleased to announce that we will be working in partnership with MK gallery to present Start the Art: Out & About, kindly funded by the MK Community Foundation.
Building upon MK Gallery’s successful weekly Start the Art parent and toddlers sessions MK gallery and Brooklands will bring together new communities within our area of Milton Keynes to explore the joys of art through a range of multisensory activities, including painting, drawing and mark-making for children 0-5. These sessions will take place at the new Countess Way campus,from 10-11 every Monday in term time until the end of February. Each session will cost £1 to help with the cost of materials.
Please spread the word and join us and other parents in the community to enjoy and explore creativity in a friendly environment.
As part of our partnership we are lucky enough to continue the programme on a Monday afternoon with our early years and Art specialist Miss Broome who will be working with all children from foundation to enjoy and explore multi-sensory materials and mark making. These sessions will take place in school time and there will be no charge.