Here is the half term homework for Year 1 on Fen St . It is based around our new topic: The Great Fire of London.
Please can you bring home learning in on Wednesday 4th November so we can share it as a class.
Have a lovely half term!
Here is the half term homework for Year 1 on Fen St . It is based around our new topic: The Great Fire of London.
Please can you bring home learning in on Wednesday 4th November so we can share it as a class.
Have a lovely half term!
As a homework task, children were asked to learn a poem and practise it.
This group of children got into a group themselves and choreographed the poem without any adult help! They used fantastic expression and made it very amusing! Well done.
This week Year 1D took a walk on the wild side, as we ventured out of the classroom on our very own Bear Hunt. On our way we had to tackle some squelchy, soggy mud, swishy swashy grass as well as the squidgy sandpit, it’s a good job that we weren’t scared!!!
We have had great fun over the past few weeks doing some cooking in preparation for our Curriculum Teas. Children have been busy making and decorating cakes, flapjacks, rice krispie cakes and a variety of sandwiches to serve to parents after school.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped during these cooking sessions for all of the time and effort you put in – we couldn’t have done it without you and the children had a fantastic time!
Yesterday and today, we have been igniting our project and getting excited about continuing to deepen our learning about Milton Keynes.
We played Milton Keynes Monopoly, which helped children learn the names of different places and it tied in well with our addition and subtraction focus in maths.
Today we explored the map of Milton Keynes and went on a treasure hunt! One child, surprised by the sheer size of MK, asked whether it was a map of the world!
As part of our project about Lighthouses, we have been learning about the properties of materials.
Miss Low heard about the fantastic learning that was happening in Year 2 and posed us a dilemma… With all her travelling back and forth to our two sites, she keeps forgetting her lunch! Miss Low suggested a rope to transport her lunch from one school to the other (like in The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch!) but could we make a waterproof lunch box to make sure she wouldn’t have soggy sandwiches if it rained?!
We chose some materials to test and wrote our predictions as to whether they would be waterproof or not and why. We then tested the materials and wrote our findings.
We are well on the way to designing a waterproof lunchbox for Miss Low’s sandwiches! Hooray!!
As you can see, teachers have been busy this morning putting the finishing touches to the Year 3’s new rainforest learning environment! The children’s reactions were priceless – with my favourite quote being ‘I’ve never seen a classroom like this before!!’ See the speech bubble below for further quotes from the children.
The Year 3’s have pointed out that the Rainforest needs more flowers and animals so they will be continuing to create these this morning!
We have had a case of head lice this week in nursery.
please can you check and treat your children to help stop the spread of head lice amongst the children.
Thank you
Nursery team.