Congratulations to the first members of the year four team on Countess Way, who won a certificate for showing Open, Grow or Believe!
Next week there is a Mathletics Summer Challenge, where we compete against other schools to get the most Mathletics points! The competition runs from 25th June – 1st July 2018.
Please encourage your children to get logged on and complete lots of activities on there so that they can gain points for our school (and practise lots of concepts that they’ve learnt this year in school)! We would love to get as many points as possible and get as high up on the schools leader board as we can!
Good luck everyone!
Year 3 / 4F made the most of the sun this morning by taking their learning outside! We were reviewing our learning so far for fractions. Year 4 focused on equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions while Year 3 worked on adding and subtracting fractions and finding equivalent fractions.
Working in trios, they used chalk and the playground to show their working out and answers. The well being and learning zones of everyone was so high and as a result everyone closed their learning gaps!
Wow! What an amazing and inspirational couple of days working in partnership with SKIP 2B FIT.
All children in our school showed amazing resilience and growth mindset towards improving their own personal bests. We all really enjoyed the motivational competitions between staff and children. Mr Rickett and Mathias are currently our skipping champions – we are looking forward to see if anyone can beat their scores in the future.
Year 3/4F and 4D have been busy this term working on their Endangered Animals project. From writing non-chronological reports to designing and creating informative posters, they have learnt a lot about different endangered animals and the threats they face. As a result, they decided they wanted to do something to really make a difference!
They are now focusing on being able to use persuasive language by writing persuasive letters in Literacy lessons and creating their documentaries about endangered animals. To ignite this stage of their project they held a campaign day on Tuesday. They wanted to make their voices heard and raise money to help protect endangered animals.
They spent the morning baking cakes and designing posters in preparation for their bake sale after school.
In the afternoon, they took their posters on a campaign march around Brooklands and Broughton! It was great to go out in the community to share their passion about saving endangered animals. Their chanting and posters definitely got lots of attention!
Even after such a busy day, they weren’t finished yet. They held a bake sale after school and raised a huge £113! This money will be used for each class to adopt an endangered animal with the WWF!
It was such a successful day and we are so proud of the children’s work and passion to get their voices heard for such a good cause! We look forward to sharing the rest of our work with you at the end of the term!
Wow! What a start to a Tuesday morning. John from Skip2bfit has us working hard. Our challenge was to skip continuously for two minutes (!) to music. This was a true test of our resilience, perseverance as well as cardio strength. After two minutes we checked our skip count and had a 1 minute break. Promoting a growth mindset, the only person we had to beat was ourselves! No- “I’ll never beat that score” or ” I can’t do this again” but we are saying “I’ll give it my best” or ” I will beat my score!” So, we skipped for another two minutes and were amazed with how much progress we made! We had great fun practising and showed determination and focus to beat our own scores.
We aim to carry on Skip2bfit in our classes so we can keep getting personal bests! John also, very kindly, gave us each a box of blueberries as a healthy snack to enjoy. Keep remembering to reuse and recycle that plastic box- you can keep bringing it back to school with raisins, grapes or even more blueberries. There is a prize for the child who keeps reusing their box the longest!
Year 3/4F and 4D had a fantastic day celebrating world book day last week. The energy in the classes was so high and there was a true buzz and excitement for books and reading. The characters they dressed up as were amazing, here are a few:
From Gangsta Granny to Hermoine Granger and from Fantastic Mr Fox to Willy Wonka we had an amazing array of book characters!
We also used their book characters as inspiration for writing a character description:
Don’t forget to use your £1 book token to buy a new book!
Today is Safer Internet Day so this afternoon 3/4F and 4D spent some time discussing how to stay safe online. We particularly focused on learning about how to be a good friend online and how we can help keep each other safe. We had lots of discussion about different scenarios and situations as well as activities sorting kind acts and unkind acts online.
If you have any questions please feel free to speak to Miss Holloway and Miss Gilders.
3/4F have been learning short multiplication to multiply two or three digit numbers by a 1 digit number. After lots of guided groups and independent practise we have all mastered this method to our year group standard! Today we applied our learning to a competitive team quiz, Kahoot! We had lots of fun playing against each other whilst practicing our short multiplication method. We also had to work well in teams!