Weaving a journey as a mathematician at
Brooklands Farm
Our Maths Intent
At Brooklands Farm Primary school, we weave a life long learning journey, entwining positive personal wellbeing with high aspiration for academic success. The teaching and learning of Mathematics is an integral part of this. We want to create confident, skilful mathematicians who are curious, ask questions and have the ability to reason mathematically using a well-developed vocabulary. It is our intention that maths is filled with connections, so that our children can engineer success and are able to open, grow and believe in their learning.
Through our maths curriculum, we aim to create resilient students who are able to mathematically explain ideas and use fluency skills to become confident mathematicians. At Brooklands Farm, we encourage our children to talk through their ideas, we want them to be able to reason and problem solve and also use this discussion time to identify and remedy any misconceptions that arise within the classroom.
At Brooklands Farm Primary School, we want our children to gain the understanding to become successful mathematicians. We believe the best way to achieve this is to have an ambitious maths curriculum which allows children to revisit and build on the steps they already have. By consistently revisiting previous learning, we are allowing the children to know more and remember more by transferring knowledge from their short-term memory to their long-term memory.
Our mathematics teaching is based on a mastery approach meaning all learning is broken down into small steps to ensure that all children are able to show a deep understanding of the mathematical threshold concepts. These small steps are supported through the use of concrete resources and pictorial and abstract representations and are scaffolded through the use of Power Maths. In our classes, the mastery principles are weaved through lessons, planning and across all year groups to ensure that we promote a love of learning within mathematics and so all children have the opportunity to experience the tools and vocabulary they need to succeed.
Curriculum Overview
Below is our Curriculum Progression Document. This shows how the threshold concepts are revisited and built upon year by year.
At Brooklands Farm, we use the Power Maths calculation policy to ensure that our children are being taught knowledge through the use of key resources. It also ensures that all methods used by teachers are consistent and built upon each year to help children know more and remember more.
KS1 (Year 1 and 2) Calculation Policy
LKS2 (Year 3 and 4) Calculation Policy
UKS2 (Year 5 and 6) Calculation Policy