Brooklands Farm Primary School Fen Street Campus
Brooklands Farm Primary School
152 Fen Street
MK10 7EU
Telephone: 01908 760081
Please direct enquiries to email:
Brooklands Farm Primary School Countess Way Campus
Brooklands Farm Primary School
Countess Way
MK10 7HN
Telephone: 01908 760081
Please direct enquiries to email:
Please phone 01908 760081 to report all sickness absence.
Contact Year Group Teams
We request that all communication is either sent to the school office, who will decide who is the most appropriate person to respond, or via the site year group email address where a member of the year group team will get back to you.
Countess Way
Fen Street
Contacting the Inclusion Team
To contact the inclusion team, please either email the school office or and one of our SENCo’s will be in contact with you. Our SENCo’s are Kirsty Merritt (Inclusion lead), Ben Williams (Fen Street SENDCo) and Bromwyn Foulkes (Countess Way SENDCo)
During term time, our school opening hours are
8:30am- 3:30pm
Monday – Friday
Wrap around care 8am-6pm
We have just reserved a property on the new Brooklands estate and will be hopefully moving in sometime during April 2015. We have twins who were born on the 4th December 2013 and we will be very interested in speaking to you with regard to them joining the Brooklands farm nursery. As these are our first children I am not sure what the process is for registering with you etc. but I’m happy to meet with you when convenient.
Kind Regards
Vicki, Neil, Harry and Lilly-Anne
Hi Vicki,
Please find our Nursery application here:
The last day to apply is 28th February 2015.
Should I bring nursery form to the school or can post it?
Many thanks
You can post it to:
Brooklands Farm Primary School
152 Fen Street
Milton Keynes MK10 7EU
Sorry I have misplaced my parent logon for the school website. How do I reset it or find out what the log on and password is.
Many thanks
Hi Cindie,
We haven’t given out user names and passwords for the website, however everything is accessible for you to view.
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone at Brooklands farm school for putting on a fantastic lantern festival. We feel so proud to be part of an amazing school and look forward to many more celebrations in the future.
Hi, are the school dinners for the week the children return, covered by last terms menu? I know the new order form shows the first week back crossed out, so assuming lunches are already picked? I can’t remember from the last term! Thanks
The first week is crossed out as it is too late for orders for the week commencing 5th January 2015. Unfortunately, orders for that week needed to be in by Wednesday 17th December 2014.
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I cant seem to find any information on the school website regarding term dates. I think it would be very useful to have a link or section on the main page which shows you the key term dates.
Term dates can be found under Parents, Newsletters.
I am planning to bye a new home at brooklands area, my daughter is in year 2 next September in 2015, do you thing is there any place in year 2 for my daughter next September in this school?
Thanks and best regards.
Hi Farah,
Please contact admissions at Milton Keynes Council on 01908 691691 as they hold all of our numbers and wait list.
I’ve applied to pre-school (nursery) and wanted to know how we will be notified we have secured a place for our daughter? If we’re lucky enough to secure the morning sessions and have applied for additional afternoon sesisons what happens between 11:30am when the morning session finishes and 12:30 when the afternoon sessions start? Assume this is lunchtime are they cared for within that period or do you require us to collect our daughter and then return her for the afternoon session?
How are the additional sessions billed? weekly/monthly invoice? finally, if additonal wrap around care is required morning or afternoon once/twice a month can that be applied for each month when required?
Hi Lucy,
The last day to apply is the 28th February. We will then start to allocate places in March. Unfortunately, we do not have the space to offer wrap around care. Therefore we will be offering either morning or afternoon sessions only. If you are offered morning sessions, breakfast club will be available to you. If you are offered afternoon sessions, after school care club will be available to you. I hope this answers your questions.
Hi my youngest is starting in sept and also my daughter is coming in to do her last year at the school, what are the school opening times and picking up times please, as have another child at school the other side of mk and need to find out travel times etc
The school day starts at 8:30am and finishes at 3:30pm. We do offer wrap around care if needed. Breakfast club starts at 8:00 and care club runs from 3:30 till either 4:30 or 6pm.
Hi there
My son starts school this September. Luckily he got a place at Brooklands Farm, but we were told the school splits into 2 buildings. The rumour on the street is that all youngest kids will go to new building and older kids will stay at Fen St. Council has only told us that places haven’t been allocated as yet. What really is going to happen? How are you going to locate the places? We live at Brooklsads so old building is closer to us and we’d so much prefer him to go there. Can we secure the place there or at least let you know the preferences?
Many thanks
Campus allocations are handled by the local authority, not Brooklands Farm. Hopefully you have received your letter explaining this process.
We are moving to MK in end of August, so need to know how can I save time for my two sons admissions without them staying home and missing the acadamics of school. How to apply for Brookland farm primary school as I heard it is near to my home.
kind regards
You will need to contact the local authority as they handle all admissions:
Hi Jill, Lesley & Stacy,
Please note that an application has been submitted (on 31st July 2015) to MK Council for my son to start Year 2 at Brooklands Farm this Autumn. The Council have confirmed receipt of the application and we’re waiting to receive an update.
I also submitted a nursery application for my youngest son on 15th July 2015. Stacy West received it and requested a copy of our contract or official written evidence of our move to our new address, to process our application, which I sent end of last month. Can I please get an update on this?
Thank you!
Hi Edith,
We’ve just come back today and are working our way through applications received over Summer. If you haven’t heard from us, please phone us on 01908 760081 or email
Holiday Club query
Hi Ms Anderson,
I wish to enroll my 2 boys in the holiday club but I noticed the dates on the form states Monday 20th August- Friday 24th August which are incorrect.
Can someone please confirm availability for the holiday club for w/c Monday 17th August & w/c 24th August?
I look forward to your reply.
Many thanks,
My apologies, this wasn’t seen over summer break. In the future you may contact care club for holiday club queries at
Unfortunately, Holiday Club only runs the first 4 weeks of Summer and not the last two.
Thanks Jill.
Hi I have just brought shirts for the kids but have noticed on kit list it says polo shirts have I brought the wrong ones
Hi there
I know I might be getting ahead of myself but please could you let me know if and when any open days are planned for the Sept 2016 applicants?
Many thanks
Sorry we don’t have those dates set as of yet but please do check back.
We are relocating to Milton Keynes from South Africa.
My daughters are only going to be in country from 11 October.
I know I have to go via the council for placement requests,however, I would like to understand if I could visit the school to view the facilities? I would also like to understand if you offer services such as Occupational Therapy? My oldest daughter has sensory integration therapy now in South Africa and I would like to know if this is something that could be maintained at your school?
Hi Mr Schotter,
Please contact us via our office email: so that we can discuss your options.
Kind regards,
Im wondering if you have any vacancies for school cleaners or catering assistants. I am looking for about 23-25 hours a week. I would like to work for the school and not an agent if possible.
We have contracts with Cleaning Logistics for cleaners and Chartwells for catering, you would have to contact them for vacancies.
I’ve been trying to sort out an appointment to visit the school as our daughter will start next year. We have an appointment for the other two schools on our short-list.
Can you confirm if you will/won’t accommodate a visit with myself and my wife?
Hi Robin,
Will your daughter be starting school for the first time next September?
Hi Miss Gowen
Is it ok if some students from secondary are allowed to come into school on the 26th of November as we have tfl day
Hi Jamie-lea,
I will let you know when Miss Courtney gets back to me. Hope you are enjoying Oakgrove.
Ok thank you hope the 2 schools are ok
OK thank you,
Yes I am enjoying Oakgrove How is the two schools
Hello there
My son will be starting school in Sept 2016, and we wanted to visit the school on the 5th of Nov during your open evening. Do I need to book an appt?
many thanks
No, please just come along.
Can you please help me? I’m sure I’ve seen some information regarding prospective parents evening for first time starters but I can’t seem to find it? Can you please push me in the direction.
Many thanks
Hi Sarah,
There are sticky notes on the front page of the website.
hi miss gowen do you know if we can come back to school
i have reserved property in Brooklands and would be moving in Januray 2016. My son is 6 year old in year 2 going a school in Harrow. What is the process for application?
Satish Billakota
Hi Satish,
Please contact our Local Authority as they handle our admissions. Information can be found at:
When is the deadline application for a child starting school from Sept 2016? Child would need to go in year 2. Thanks.
That would be an in-year transfer, please contact the local authority. More information can also be found at
I will be moving to my new home in April 2016 Month, My son is going to reception now, we would like to join him in the Brooklands primary school (my home is just 10 Mins walk to school).
Could you please give us the information regarding this.
Hi Sim,
Welcome to the area. Please contact the Local Authority regarding an in-year transfer for your son. Their information can be found at:
Good luck with your move.